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More regular exercise means less chance of dementia! Tao Health: Encourage exercising on a regular basis and begin to live a healthier life. If just one person may avoid the complications of diabetes and heart disease xoxo HOW DO I IMPROVE MY HEALTH? Good Health = a Good Quality of Life yet Staying Healthy can be a real Challenge! Good health is developed through the combination of Beneficial Physical Activity & Exercise as well as Healthy Eating Habits. Are You getting started with an Exercise Program? Are You looking for additional Exercises and Practices? Do you wish to lose weight and convert your fat to lean muscle? All these Exercises are Bodyweight Exercises as they can be performed Anywhere and Anytime and they require No Equipment and Weights or Special Clothes! The exercises require very little room and can be performed on the living room floor, or in a hallway, or in the kitchen. Thanks for watching"
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Hey there! Welcome to my channel. I am a bikini fitness athlete and personal trainer. I've been lucky enough to win multiple gold medals in various competitions, but what I love most is helping others achieve their own fitness goals. Whether you're looking to get in shape, build muscle, or simply lead a healthier lifestyle, I'm here to guide and motivate you every step of the way. I'm someone who's always up for a challenge, and I'm constantly learning new things and trying different sports. When I'm not in the gym, you'll usually find me exploring new fitness trends, experimenting with different workout routines, or learning about the latest nutrition science.
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HathaYogaTaipei 不僅是瑜珈動作分解,健身教學的影片頻道,也是位於台灣的瑜珈教室,特別致力於Ghosh lineage的熱瑜珈系統(26個動作+2個呼吸式)。 在HathaYogaTaipei,藉由運動、伸展身體可以拓展心靈層面的認知以及成長,因爲身、心、靈是ㄧ體三面,互相影響;身體健康,心情就開朗!ㄧ個健康快樂的人才能回饋自我,才能讓身旁親友感覺自己正面的能量,成為人群中好的影響力!不論你是瑜珈愛好者,或者健身迷,甚至沒有運動習慣的人,都會在Hatha Yoga Taipei的頻道學到ㄧ些對身體有好處的瑜珈以及鍛練運動;柔軟度好不好、體力強不強、時間夠不夠,都不是問題,沒經驗沒作過不足成為裹足不前的藉口,請跟著Antonieㄧ起動ㄧ動吧,因爲你知道瑜珈是可以讓你更健康、更快樂! Antonie是Hatha Yoga Taipei 的瑜珈老師,「26+2熱瑜珈」的作者 Hatha Yoga Taipei not only is a yoga and fitness channel, it is a yoga studio, located in Taiwan. Dedicating itself to promote Yoga lifestyle. And the class style is specializing on Gosh lineage yoga series(26poses+2breathing exercises). No matter you are a yoga lover, a fitness nut or a person who never yogaed before, body language is a universal language. Follow along with Hatha Yoga Taipei videos! Your body will thank you for working and stretching out a bit. Antonie co-founded HathaYogaTaipei. She is a yoga teacher, author of "26+2熱瑜珈.