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PRAISE THE ALLSPOTTER ALMIGHTY BRODIN! I write a I'm a Fitness Writer producing articles and answers on Quora, my content is designed for intellectually curious individuals with a deranged sense of humor looking to improve upon themselves. My main thing is to share what I know about the science of fitness + my experience, if you got any questions on fitness, diet, and physiology hit me up on my Quora space called Mr. Potato AWESOME Fitness Tips and I’ll give you a straight answer, razor-sharp like a 1000-year-old Katana. If you want to support my independent efforts, you’re a BOSS, welcome to the IRON PATH and PRAISE BRODIN just do all that SOCIAL MEDIA JAZZ, Upvote, share, follow, and shit, and that’s all the support I need. I’m a guy from Brazil that wants everybody to live a better life through knowledge, humor, and health. I value originality, discipline, and love above everything else. PRAISE BRODIN BABY! BANG IRON! Big KISS THE POTATO MAN
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Bodybuilding Music DTV is a music label. We are dedicated to providing motivational music videos for intense workouts. → Do you want to release with us? If you are an artist or a band and would like to feature with us, please contact us by email (). Our label will take care of the distribution and promotion of your song. Also, every video is carefully edited by us to provide the best experience. → Do you have a DEMO that you think might interest us? Send us your song on our portal on LabelRadar and our experts will be happy to hear it. → Where do you find the music for your videos? The music used in the videos is our property, Bodybuilding Music DTV releases are original and previewed on YouTube in this channel.
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JOY, at least that is what you're suposed to feel when you exercise. My name is Rafael Mantovani. I'm a personal trainer and jiu jitsu athlete. Welcome to my channel! My mission is to make you find an fitness activity and fall in love fot that. That will get you the habit of health and fitness form: lets workout!!
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Conteúdo sobre: ✅ Demonstração de exercícios; ✅ Saúde & bem-estar; ✅ Tendências do fitness; ✅ Teoria e fundamentos da Educação Física (biomecânica, fisiologia do exercício, musculação, treinamento funcional, ginástica coletiva e avaliação física); ✅ Carreira e desenvolvimento pessoal; ✅ Metodologia científica.
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Abs to Zen an online fitness program that allows people to workout to custom videos lead by the world's top trainers. Available now is our FREE Intermediate Body Sculpt program lead by Natalie Jill. This program has 3 different phases or levels so everybody can do the workout at their own pace and get a great exercise. Abs to Zen also features video fitness and nutrition tips for a complete healthy lifestyle, and extra burn exercises that can be done in between workouts or at your leisure. More free workouts coming soon, so Subscribe to get the latest updates! More of our FREE workouts and nutrition plans on Facebook at:
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E ai rapaziada beleza? Meu nome é Kaique Barros tenho 22 anos, sou praticante de Calistenia, quando comecei a treinar quase não encontrei informações aqui no Brasil, a maioria das informações que tive, busquei la fora, pensando nisso resolvi criar esse canal pra ajudar quem curte o esporte mas também sofre com a falta de informação no Brasil, minha intenção é ajudar os iniciantes, e trocar experiencias com quem for mais avançado pra popularizar o esporte em nosso pais. A Calistenia, ou Street Workout, é um tipo de treino que você usa basicamente o peso do seu corpo, tem como vantagens que é um esporte que pode ser praticado em qualquer lugar, basta criatividade para realizar os exercícios, aqui eu pretendo ajudar vocês nisso, dando dicas de como improvisar treinos, para aqueles que estão sem grana, a Calistenia, também é uma boa opção pois você nao precisa ir até uma academia para treinar. Conto com vocês, valeu é nóis e tamo junto