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Dear visitor, on this channel you can find videos related to the following topics: ❶ AI Songs: many songs that I created with the new tools offered by Artificial Intelligence...! ❷ Cinema: "The Words of Cinema" = comments and reflections about the more significant dialogues of the films ❸ Tennis: innovative animations and elaboration of ATP statistics ❹ Music: comments and reflections about Jazz, Blues, Pop & Rock ❺ Management: in particular "Managerial Skills" and "Food for Thought for the Good Manager" ❻ Animals: many wonderful animals and my female cats, in particular ❼ My MIDI audio covers and many other topics that, in my opinion, are interesting and deserve to be published. In the “Description” of every video, moreover, I accurately provide all the information useful and necessary to contextualize the videos and make better understand their meanings and their innovative value. I will appreciate every comment that will help me improve my channel. Thank you!
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Hi everyone, my name is Federica, I am from Sicily (Italy). In the last ten years I have earned a certain notoriety on Youtube thanks to my edits. But I have never been able to turn my passion into a job. I would like to work in the field of photography and graphic design. I recently discovered the wonderful world of the Intelligence Artificial and I intend to pursuit. I have received a lot of praise in recent years. Many people believe in me and think that I deserve to become a professional photographer and video editor, cause I have a talent that should not be wasted.
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Olá! Me chamo Gabriel Mendes e meu objetivo aqui é poder te ajudar a atingir a SUA melhor versão! Neste canal, eu compartilho experiências, aprendizados valiosos e reflexões da minha jornada pessoal! Atualmente estudo administração em umas das melhores faculdades da América Latina e estou fazendo meu intercâmbio na Alemanha. Como essas oportunidades não são comuns, eu gostaria de compartilhar todas as informações para que possam ser acessíveis para aqueles que tenham o interesse de se desenvolverem. Espero poder te ajudar a ser a melhor versão de VOCÊ! Vem comigo!
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Olá! Eu sou a Paula Bernardes, moro na Europa e publico vídeos todas as semanas sobre inteligência artificial, educação financeira, renda extra, desenvolvimento pessoal e vida na Europa. Se inscreva no canal para receber todas as notificações e me adicione também nas redes sociais: Facebook: Instagram: Paula Bernardes
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Canale dedicato alla pesca sportiva . Egign, Beach Ledgering, Surf Casting, spinning, Light spinning e specifico sulla realizzazione di artificiali artigianali. Iscriviti al canale e rimani aggiornato. 💪💪💪 Channel dedicated to sport fishing. Egign, Beach Ledgering, Surf Casting, spinning, Light spinning and specific on the creation of artificial crafts. Subscribe to the channel and stay updated. 💪💪💪
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Duck Internship is a marketplace platform that manages the relation between internship demand and supply. * For students: you will find in the platform all the support you need to carry out an internship experience that will allow you to start a future career * For companies: we intend to reduce the time and money to search for interns with selected skills * For agencies: we support you in contact with potential students interested in the internship service with additional services The platform is coming soon and is designed to work with artificial intelligence (AI). It will outline the users indicating the corresponding transversal competences, finding the best match with the present offers.
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█ 10% Mean♥ ██ 20% Bad Girl♥ ███ 30% Evil♥ ████ 40% Sonic Fan♥ █████ 50% Sweet♥ ██████ 60% Intelligent♥ ███████ 70% Tough♥ ████████ 80% Loving♥ █████████ 90% Kind♥ ██████████ 100% Me♥ Name: Bellah Style: Emo-Goth Rank: Outcast lone wolf Eye Color: Amber Hair Color: Brown Gender: Female Age: 19 Birthday: 9/26/1992 Orientation: Bi Height: 5''3 Weight: None of your business! R.S Status: FUCK IT! Fave Animal: Cats Main FCs: Bellah The Cat Half-Demon Princess Lady Evangeline, human Princess Harmony The Fairy-Angel BG: :) Mood: eh School: High School 12th Grade Personality: Kind, artistic, gentle, emo, gothic, outcast, suffer-in-silence type, anti-social, quiet, easygoing, sweet, intelligent, lone wolf Nationality: Latina-American Cultures: Puerto-Rican and American Languages: English, Spanish, French Religion: Atheist ♫♪♫ music ♫♪♫ is good ♫♪♫ for the soul ♫♪♫ ♫♪♫ live your ♫♪♫ life to the ♫♪♫ fullest ♫♪♫ ♫♪♫ let music ♫♪♫ be your ♫♪♫ guide ♫♪♫ ♫♪♫ never give up ♫♪♫ and never ♫♪♫ give in ♫♪♫ ♫♪♫ let music ♫♪♫ surround ♫♪♫ you ♫♪♫ ♫♪♫ let it ♫♪♫ warm your ♫♪♫ heart ♫♪♫ ♫♪♫ those who ♫♪♫ live in ♫♪♫ happiness ♫♪♫ ♫♪♫ never ♫♪♫ grow ♫♪♫ apart ♫♪♫ ♫♪♫ put this on your page if you think music will never go outta style :D ♫♪♫ ╔══╗ ♫ ║██║ ║(o)║ ♥ ♫ music is my world ♫ ╚══╝ If you ever felt...HEARTBROKEN If you ever felt...CONFUSED If you ever felt...LOST If you ever felt...ANXIOUS If you ever felt...WRONG If you ever felt...ANGRY If you ever felt...ASHAMED If you ever felt...HATED If you ever felt...USED ...then put this on ur page... ╔═╦══╦═╗ Put this on your channel ║╩╣║║║║║ if you are emo.... ╚═╩╩╩╩== ╔══╗╔══╦╗ ║╔═╬╩╗╔╣╚═╗ put this on your ║╚╝║╬║║║╔╗║ channel if you are ╚══╩═╩╝╚╝╚╝ Goth or support Gothic people... ☠I'm SiCk Of CrYiNg☠ ☠ I'm TiReD oF tRyInG☠ ☠ I mAy Be SmiLiNg☠ ☠ BuT iNsIdE I'm DyInG...☠ EmOs- *Are not cry babies *Do not always wear black *Can be very nice people *Don't always cut themselves *Are not always depressed *Can be happy too *Are normal people just like you In This World, I've Adjusted To Being Fucked With... I'll Throw My Feelings Away And I'll Stab Myself In The Stomach, I'll Love It.... I Can't Breathe No More... What's This Life For...? I Don't Know...If I Should Stay Or Go... Me: 1. Do I ever cross your mind? You: No Me: 2. Do you like me? You: Not really Me: 3. Do you want me? You: No Me: 4. Would you cry if I left? You: No Me: 5. Would you live for me? You: No Me: 6. Would you do anything for me? You: No
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Simple tips to simplify your daily life with Internet and Technology. Fix issue tips, dailylife tips, Software, computer, discovery and learn. Trucchi Servizi gratuiti sul web Recensioni Nuove tecnologie BENVENUTI su Internet. Io saro' la vostra guida. Trucchi, Notizie tecniche, Guide, Recensioni e Discussioni. iscriviti alla newsletter Pronti, Partenza... Via! Trucchi, Notizie e Recensioni sull'utilizzo quotidiano di Computer, Tablet e Cellulari. Qui trovi video su Intenet e sue le tecnologie, tutorial, guide e recensioni divertenti. Mi propongo sempre di creare video divertenti che possano aiutare tutti a qualunque livello di conoscenza del computer. Per questo si chiamano... simple-geek-Tips NB. Sono un appassionato di musica e di The Voice, ogni tanto troverete anche Blind Audition Video da tutto il mondo. Per divertimento... e per sentire buona musica e ottime interpretazioni