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Randomers Cloud Uber MUM!!! If you have reached here…Welcome to my Channel, I am Sana, A beauty addict mommy from Jeddah, KSA and I make videos on topics that are close to my heart like Lifestyle, Travel , beauty and Mommy related stuff. Also, trying to perfect flat lays on Instagram- follow me there @randomerscloud. All my reviews are HONEST and every product is put to test for at least 6 weeks or a number of times to do a review video so I give my genuine feedback. brand or a PR agency ? get in touch Tune in every Friday and Monday for a new Video and a bonus video occasionally on Wednesday. Wanna know more about us? follow me on snpachat - sanasnapit to know life of a mom with a 2 year old toddler. Instagram - snapchat - sanasnapit PR contact - sanazah@gmail.comRandomers Cloud Uber MUM!!! If you have reached here…Welcome to my Channel, I am Sana, A beauty addict mommy from Jeddah, KSA and I make videos on topics that are close to my heart like Lifestyle, Travel , beauty and Mommy related stuff. Also, trying to perfect flat lays on Instagram- follow me there @randomerscloud. All my reviews are HONEST and every product is put to test for at least 6 weeks or a number of times to do a review video so I give my genuine feedback. brand or a PR agency ? get in touch Tune in every Friday and Monday for a new Video and a bonus video occasionally on Wednesday. Wanna know more about us? follow me on snpachat - sanasnapit to know life of a mom with a 2 year old toddler. Instagram - snapchat - sanasnapit PR contact -
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📌 اهلا بكم ....... في قناتي التعليمية المتخصصة في تعليم الجرافيك والتقنيات الحديثة في التعليم والتعلم لدمج الفنون البصرية المختلفة بالتعليم الالكتروني، ادعو الله ان تستمتعوا بعالمي وعشقي للتعليم والتعلم بكل ماهو جديد في مجالات التعلم الالكتروني والجرافيك ...... لأن رسالتي في الحياة مساعدة كل من يريد التعلم والمعرفة والتميز ... ادعو الله ان يتقبل هذه القناة كعلما ينتفع به ويستفيد منه الجميع حتي بعد موتي ان شاء الله تعالي. ولا تبخلوا عليه بأفكاركم لتطويرها الي أفضل ما ينفع الجميع. د.محمد شلتوت Associate Professor| E-learning & E-content Consultant |UX Consultant | Digital creator|Digital Transformation|Adobe Education Leader| Google UX Design Certificate ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔔 يمكنكم التواصل معى من خلال : My E-mail For commercial communication 🤝 Find me on social media: My website 🔗 Twitter 🔗 Instagram 🔗 Facebook 🔗
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Right-Stuff is a cutting edge, leading community designed for all lovers of engineering, science and technology. Our content mainly focuses on various technical field informative tutorial videos on Automotive, Automation, IOT, IIOT, Cyber-security, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Digital Transformation, Safety of health and environment, etc. In addition our Channel contents health guidelines, Tips and tricks, travel and tour, DIY Project, and many more interesting topics. Join us to keep up with the latest in new technological advances, ground-breaking scientific discoveries. As well as cool recent developments in these fields we also bring you some of the coolest and most interesting science, technology and engineering information from the past. all. Join our science & technology Facebook group: Link: -Stay tuned with our channel by Subscribe & follow our progress in Technology. Thank you. -Saiful Chowdhury Right-Stuff Since-2008
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القناة تحتوي على محاضرات تعليمية في مجال الذكاء الصناعي وتعلم الآلة والتعلم العميق ... ايضا تقدم القناة محاضرات ومواد تعليمية في مجال البرمجة وهندسة التحكم والقياسات. يوجد ايضا للدكتور مصطفي مجموعة من الكورسات علي منصة Udemy القناة خاصة بالدكتور مصطفى الحسيني - استاذ الهندسة - كلية الهندسة - جامعة المنصورة