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Energy Arts offers classes in qigong, neigong, tai chi, ba gua, xingyi, breathing, Daoist yoga, and Daoist meditation both in-person and online. Energy Arts Live is the most comprehensive online subscription program available in Daoist health, healing, and martial arts. Founder and lineage holder Bruce Frantzis lived and studied in Asia, for 16 years, is fluent in Chinese and Japanese, has been teaching 50+ years and is the author of more than a dozen books on martial arts, health and healing, and meditation. His newest release is the Dao De Jing, The Oral Tradition. For more info and content please visit our website.
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On this channel, we will change the mind positively, develop music that will help us achieve our goals, develop music that will everyday tired mind and body, create original songs and release it It is. We are making music that is friendly to the body, mainly for sleeping, relaxing, healing, meditation, relaxation, healing, etc. As your life listens to the music of Godspeed Sleep - Relaxing - Healing music, it improves in a good direction and words of your heart and words and words of your body will be positive and your life will be better I hope to you.
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"Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it." -Buddha- There are times that all we need are just simple words of motivation to get going. I don’t know you ! You don’t know me either but in some aspects of life I believe we can relate to each other. Restoring Mindset`s purpose are; To motivate you to take action and pursue your goals in life. To motivate you to be more optimistic and resilient. To motivate you how to approach challenges with a positive mindset, leading to better outcomes. To motivate you stay focused and stay on track, especially when you are struggling with procrastination or lack of motivation. To motivate you boost your self-confidence, to motivate you believe in yourself and your abilities. These simple motivational speeches and videos are collections of inspirations to wake up everyday and face the world with the new and positive mindset. Thank You …. sharing love and happiness to all !
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Welcome to my official you tube channel I will be sharing yoga lesson for beginners as well as yoga teachers, guided mindfulness meditation, super food cooking, health and wellness tips, recommended books, hotels, safety travel places and life coaching lesson on business and monthly plan. . 6 Senses Yoga . Guided Meditation . Mindfulness . Morning Yoga . Night Yoga . Relax Yoga . Yoga for Stress . Yoga for Total Health . Yoga for Women's Health . Yoga for Better Sleep . Yoga for Back Pain Health . Yoga for Business Leader . Breathing . Healthy Food Cooking Class I’m a researcher and explorer in discovering the deepest part of ourselves. I am not a teacher or a healer. I’m continuously learning and asking how to be the best version of myself, but most importantly, be myself. You know better than anybody, who you are.I enjoy helping people discover the truth of who they are and I do this through a range of modern and traditional methods. Thanks for support Haider .
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claquepot official YouTube Channel ■claquepotとは... R&B/SOULをベースとしたダンサブルで都会的なPOPサウンドを奏でるシンガーソングライター/プロデューサー。2019年「むすんで」からリリースを開始し、2022年12月にはNovel Core、田邊駿一 (BLUE ENCOUNT)のゲスト参加に加え、アレンジでShin Sakiura、Nenashiらも参加したファースト・アルバム「the test」をリリース。リリースライブとなるZeppツアーを大阪と横浜で行い大盛況となった。 2023年5月17日「space feat. 竹内アンナ」より、SPACE SHOWER MUSICからリリース開始。
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WRECKING CREW ORCHESTRA is one of the most highly skilled dance artist group in the world, composed of eight members: YOKOI, DOMINIQUE, HANAI, TAKE, SHOHEI, BON, SAWADA, and U.U. Formed in 2003 and based in Osaka, the group has been active in the global arena, as well as in Japan. Their performances captivate all who watch, and continues to affect the dance scene around the world. WRECKING CREW ORCHESTRA has created the ultimate form of dance entertainment as a new art form, by continuing to pursue the essence of street dance, and by freeing itself from existing categories such as musicals and background dancing. ----- WRECKING CREW ORCHESTRA(レッキンクルーオーケストラ) はYOKOI, DOMINIQUE, HANAI, TAKE, SHOHEI, BON, SAWADA, U.U の8人で構成される世界一ハイスキルなストリートダンサー集団。 2003年結成。大阪に拠点を置き、日本のみならず世界を舞台に活躍する。 WRECKING CREW ORCHESTRA のパフォーマンスは、観る者すべてを虜にし、世界中のダンスシーンに影響を与える。WRECKING CREW ORCHESTRA は、ダンスをどこまでも純粋に突き詰め、 ミュージカルやバックダンスといった表現ではなく、既存のカテゴリに捕らわれない新しいアートを生み出す、究極のダンスエンターテイメント集団である。
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🔸Introduction Hello, everyone! It's Sakurako. I am Japanese. My channel is about Life experiences and Well-being + a little bit of English. I started this channel back in 2017 to share my 6 months solo travel experience with my family and friends. Through this channel I have met so many people who actually want to change their life but struggle with it. So my work here is to encourage others by sharing my experiences and thoughts. Every single person has a purpose in life on their own but there is one thing that we all were burn for is to be happy. To see someone who changes their life because of what I did that's my happiness. Who wants in? 🔸Main Contents ▶︎WE ARE WHAT WE EAT (food and how it's work in body) ▶︎SELF CARE ▶︎LIFE IN JAPAN ▶︎TRAVEL ▶︎WORKING HOLIDAY 🔸I speak mainly English (Don't mind if I sound weird sometimes) 🔸Life is about exploring what you wanna see in the eyes.
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Hi, I'm Tucker from MEDITERRACE. I have lived in New York City and have given seminars and coaching on meditation throughout the United States and in about 25 countries, including London, India, and elsewhere. In this channel, I will explain mindfulness and meditation in an easy-to-understand way. By continuing to watch these videos, you will be able to improve your mental health, utilize your subconscious mind, and achieve success beyond your imagination. And with your mental growth, you will surely experience a sense of well-being. We offer, (1) Guided meditation (2) What is meditation and mindfulness? (3) Meditation and relaxation music We aim to provide at least two meditations per week. We deliver the lectures in English as the base language, and also in Japanese, my native language. In order to reach as many people as possible, we have subtitles in Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, and Hindi.
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My name is Salome and I am a professional pianist and arranger from Switzerland, based in Osaka, Japan. I've been a musician for over 25 years now: for many years I played and recorded classical music, and in eventually switched to something arranging, recording and performing pieces from Japanese anime, video games, TV shows, and movie soundtracks. Recently I also started composing my own music. So far I've recorded 7 solo albums and you can find them as well as my singles on most major digital outlets like iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Spotify, etc. Many of my arrangements are available as sheet music on