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中华文化,亦称华夏文明,是世界上最古老的文明之一,也是世界上持续时间最长的文明。中华文明史源远流长,若从夏朝时代算起,已有4200年。有学者指出,中华民族有“三十万年的民族根系、一万年的文明史、五千年的国家史”。举世公认,中国是历史最悠久的文明古国之一。已潮流的眼光回味古老思想,传统与现代,激情相约。 了解中国文化,领略中国之美。 欢迎订阅! Chinese culture, also known as Chinese civilization is one of the world's oldest civilizations, is the world's longest continuous civilization. History of Chinese civilization has a long history, if counting from the Xia Dynasty era, has been 4200 years. Some scholars have pointed out that the Chinese have "Thirty years of ethnic roots, the history of a thousand years of civilization, the national history of five thousand years." Universally acknowledged that China is one of the oldest civlizations. It has been the trend of vision aftertaste ancient thought, tradition and modernity, passion Fridays. Understand Chinese culture, appreciate the beauty of China's. Subscribe!
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Publications: - Breve Historia del Kung Fu; - Breve História do Kung Fu - A Fascinante História do Kung Fu; - Análisis de las publicaciones periódicas marciales chinas editadas durante el periodo republicano; Revista de Artes Marciales Asiaticas (RAMA) Volumen 6 ~ Número 1 ~ 2011 - Los luchadores japoneses tienen más destreza y arte que los luchadores chinos, o cuando el contexto importa más que el texto; RAMA, Volumen 5 ~ Número 1~ 2010 - Las artes marciales del ejército chino en el Periodo Republicano; RAMA, Volumen 4 ~ Número 2 ~ 2009 - El General Qi Jiguang, visionario y defensor de una nación; RAMA, Volumen 3 ~ Número 3 ~ 2008 - China's Central Academy of Martial Arts II; Classical Fighting Arts (CFA) #18. - The Central National Arts Academy; CFA #17 - A Lifetime Dedicated to Martial Traditions: An Interview with Professor Ma Mingda, Kung Fu Taichi Magazine
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Heat Exchanger Processing Machine Manufacturer: Email: Website: WhatsApp: +86-13685810322 It is our great pleasure to extend cordial greeting to all viewers of our Youtube Channel. We would like to share history of our business. RETA was established in 2002, Company initiated with manufacture various of Heat Exchanger Processing Machine.We have started to research & development on industrial robots be applied to Automatic Pipe Fittings Processing Machine, Automatic Tube Processing Machine and Automatic Heat Exchanger Processing Machine since 2008. We have being focus on providing a range of high quality, innovative, cost-effective Machine of Automatic Solution on customers' given products. Much appreciated for you spend time on watching videos of our machine in website and Youtube Channel!
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Forget the flight delays and unpredictable weather, we'll deal with that. All you need to do is stay tuned every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Travelogue takes you on a 30-minute journey to a dynamic, exciting country with over 5000 years of history. Explore China from east to west, but catch a glimpse of other countries as well. Our travelers/hosts—energetic, fun-loving, (and sometimes crazy), pack their intimate knowledge of China into their odyssey. Remember to join us for an insider's look at the real China you've only heard about in your history textbook. Ready, set, go!
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Veterans, eye witnesses and survivors of the longest conflict of WWII – the battle between China and Japan – tell moving, shocking and harrowing stories of what they lived through. During the 8 year war, around 14 million people died and another 80 to 100 million Chinese became refugees in their own land – fleeing the conflict. If you, or someone you know, has a story to share about WWII in China – please get in touch via Twitter, Facebook or our webpage (see below). Many of these stories were filmed for the upcoming CICC, History Asia and IFA mini-series “WWII: China’s Forgotten War” hosted by Professor Rana Mitter. Watch the full programmes on History Asia.
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This channel introduces Chinese mandarin language learning materials and tools (Software, VCD, CD, MP3, DVD), which are designed for teaching foreign learners pinyin, characters etc. Also, things about ancient China, history, cultural, traditional medicine,travel map etc.