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Trax Music has consistently been producing top quality, original artist music for group fitness instructors since it's inception more than 20 years ago. Being the first company to produce music for fitness classes outside of the USA, TRAX has been the preferred music label for industry legends such as Marcus Irwin, Michelle Dean, Effe Diamond, Lesley Gray and many more. Today, TRAX continues to produce music released on bi-monthly basis to service instructors in Australia and around the world. TRAX was one of the initial distributors of Evolution DVDs, which are phenomenal resources for instructors looking for choreography inspiration in their classes. More recently TRAX has become the exclusive distributor in Australia of a line of DVD resources from Yoav Avidar in Israel! Check out the samples on this page, they are NOT to be be missed.
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I'm Reuven Lerner, and I teach Python and data science to companies around the world, and via my online store at I also publish two weekly newsletters — "Better Developers" ( and "Bamboo Weekly" ( and have published two books ("Python Workout" and "Pandas Workout"). On this YouTube channel, I publish videos that will help you with Python and Pandas. Many of the ideas come from participants in my courses, who ask me great questions just about every day. Is there something you want to know? Just contact me! My students generally give me the best ideas and directions for what to teach.
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Get an inside view of the anatomy & biomechanics of movement! Unique apps & online courses by Muscle and Motion Apps: Our unique apps give you the tools to understand the anatomy and biomechanics of movement. As a result, you will understand better, train your clients better, and reduce the risk of injuries! Strength Training Anatomy Posture Yoga Online Courses: We’ve collaborated with key international strength and conditioning coaches and physiotherapists to develop and bring you the best professional and educational content to help you become a movement professional. Check out our online courses: Anterior Knee Pain Functional Training Anatomy
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Defense Nutrition and the Warrior Diet products were created to provide effective nutritional support. They are made with pesticide-free, natural ingredients aimed at nourishing, energizing, balancing and enhancing all metabolic systems for improved health and performance. Defense Nutrition®, LLC P.O. Box 5028 Woodland Hills, CA 91367-5028 Ori Hofmekler, the founder and creator of Defense Nutrition and the Warrior Diet, is a modern renaissance man whose formative military experience prompted a life interest in survival science. He graduated the Bezalel Academy of Art in Jerusalem and received a degree in Human Sciences by the Hebrew University. A world renowned artist, Ori's work has been featured in magazines worldwide and artbooks of his political satire works were published in the U.S., Europe and Israel.
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If you want to be considered the BEST, you must train with the BEST!!! International Security Academy Israel ISA - ISRAEL has specialized in training and preparation of Protection & Counter Terrorism Operatives, Team Leaders, Management and Instructors since 1987. The environmental conditions, climate, and the human terrain in Israel are the most suitable and practical for the simulation and preparation of VIP / Close Protection personnel in protection missions where they may be deployed. ISA - ISRAEL operates training centers in various countries that run courses with multinational participation that meets the required international standards for
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Welcome to GymAddicted Channel "- I uploading Bodybuilding and Fitness Aesthetic Motivation videos - and all about Sport: IFBB, OLYMPIA ! Just SUBSCRIBE to my channel and lets enjoy the fitness life together !! FACEBOOK:
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EFI - Your home for every fan or fighter that breathes MMA, Mixed Martial Arts Every day, we post new videos, shorts of top and new techniques about Jiu jitsu, luta livre, wrestling, fitness, Muay Thai, and boxing. Subscribe and stay updated. אקדמיה עילית פייטרס ישראל נציגתה הרשמית והבלעדית של ארגון לוטה ליברה סבמישיין ברזיל עילית פייטרס ישראל - Elite Fighters Israel המאמן אליאס ממדוב בעל חגורה שחורה בלוטה ליברה והינו הנציג הרשמי והבלעדי בארץ של ארגון לוטה ליברה העולמי. לוטה ליברה מתמקדת ב - MMA - Mixed Martial Arts בדגש על שלושה מישורים עיקריים: לחימה בעמידה - הלקוחה מקראטה מגע מלא (קיוקושין) איגרוף ואיגרוף תאילנדי. מצב ביניים - הקלינץ עד להורדה לקרקע (האבקות חופשית). ובלחימה בקרקע - לוטה ליברה / ג'יו ג'יטסו ברזילאי כחלק אינטגרלי ממערך לחימה ייחודי שמשלב בתוכו ריתוקים, חניקות, בריחים והימלטות ממצבים ייחודיים. טכניקות אילו מצריכות לחימה מקצועית וססגונית אשר מקנה ללוחם ידע רב, חשיבה רבגונית וערכי לחימה מהגבוהים ביותר בעולם. מיקום: דרך חברון 15 באר שבע