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Welcome to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg! A small country ... a great tourist destination! It offers amazing landscapes, a rich heritage and magnificent infrastructures to sports fans and to lovers of fine cuisine, to children and to businessmen, to fitness fanatics and to culture vultures, to adventurers and to nature lovers. Luxembourg: a single country with a thousand and one facets. This chanel shows videos about the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. For more information about Luxembourg, visit
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Competitive Powerlifting is the sport of strength. The powerlifts squat, bench press and deadlift are increasingly being recognized as principal exercises in the development of an individual's true strength and contribute greatly to bodily health and general well being. These lifts are popular training activities exercised in gymnasiums throughout the world, with men and women of all ages being able to relate to, and enjoy them. Furthermore, the powerlifts have been shown to be beneficial in general health and fitness programs as well as improving individual's performance in other sports and the activities we enjoy in life. The IPF has taken it's role as the premier global powerlifting federation very seriously and we have worked diligently with our sporting partners and associates to become a responsible, high quality organization for athletes committed to drug-free, high-standard competition.
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Founded in 2001 as a pioneer in online trading we have become an award-winning global organisation. Initially specialising in Forex we gradually expanded the range of products and currently our customers can choose from over 1500 CFD or Spread Betting instruments across Forex, Indices, Shares, Commodities, Financials and ETFs. Headquartered in the heart of London together with offices in Milan, Nassau, Sofia and Luxembourg, we deliver exceptional trading conditions and outstanding support to our loyal customers in more than 140 countries. We offer the world’s most popular trading platform: MetaTrader, enhanced with Smart Tools developed exclusively for our customers as well as our own ActivTrader – an intuitive and fully-featured platform designed for all levels of trading experience and available on desktop, smartphone and tablet.
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Mieux comprendre son corps, avoir moins mal, devenir plus fort. Sur cette chaîne, on discute de Science, de Douleur et de Sport. 👨🎓 Mon parcours : - Ostéo depuis 2012, Diplôme Universitaire sur la Douleur - Formé à l'utilisation d'exercice dans le traitement des douleurs (avec Ben Cormack, kiné anglais), et sur la prise en charge des douleurs sur les lifts principaux (Squat, Deadlift, Bench et Overhead Press) avec "Barbell Rehab" - Diplôme de Personal Trainer (au Luxembourg), que je n'utilise pas pour coacher mais dont les compétences me servent en consultation. Pour toute proposition pro : 👍 Me soutenir : - Faites un don dans l'onglet "rejoindre" - Partagez les vidéos que vous trouvez utile à vos connaissances Envie d'en apprendre plus ? - vous pouvez recevoir ma newsletter mensuelle sur le sport, la douleur et la science - et recevoir le guide gratuit sur les bienfaits du renforcement musculaire en cliquant sur le lien ci dessous
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Official YouTube channel of the European Court of Auditors, the external auditor of the European Union (EU). Our auditors check if EU policies and programmes provide value for money, and if the collection of contributions to and spending from the #EUbudget is legal and regular. Find the latest videos on our audit work and reports here.
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LuxPlanes’ goal is to showcase the world of aviation to everyone. Aviation is a wonderful field with so much to learn about and enjoy, and we hope to help people fall in love with aviation just like we did! LuxPlanes will show you funny aspects in aviation, teach you about aviation, and much more! LuxPlanes is run by Joanna & Ryan. We are both really passionate about aviation (and each other hehe) and aspire to become airline pilots. As well as aviation, we are also passionate about other modes of transit, such as buses & trains! You can find out about LuxBus and LuxTrains on our website! Below you can find links to other platforms where you can discover more about aviation through LuxPlanes, as well as our clothing store!
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International Model, Actress & Host, former Beautyqueen, Event Manager, Influencer about beauty, fitness, positive lifestyle & pregnancy, while remaining authentic, honest and direct and encouraging people to self-confidence, especially single parents like me and also creating opportunities with coaching for the next generation. Mannequin, Actrice et présentatrice international, ancienne Miss, aujourd’hui organisatrice d’événements et influencenceuse sur les thèmes de beauté, fitness, le lifestyle et la grossesse positive, tout en restant authentique, honnête et directe et en encourageant les gens à avoir confiance en soi, notamment les parents célibataires comme moi et également en créant des opportunités accompagnées de coaching pour les jeunes.