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Dr shorouk saeed badr ▪️ ACE certified personal trainer ▪️ Certified fitness nutrition specialist ▪️Fitness instructor ▪️BLS provider by AHA ▪️Pharmacist ▪️Ceo of RESIZERS Co. Facebook group🔽 My instagram account
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Driven by ambition and passionate about youth, grounded on the importance of sports, we support a diversity of talented athletes. Our strategic initiative is to be the biggest representative of sports’ brands in Egypt and Africa. We promote our athletes and our brands by organizing mega sports events, international championships, and strong retail network. Based in Cairo Egypt, KO Squad is a non profitable organization supporting different types of sports by sponsoring talented individuals to exceed their limits in every aspect. Our strategic initiative is to be the biggest representative of athletes & sports’ brands in Egypt, Africa and worldwide.
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The ultimate address for professional advice and research based information in sports nutrition, supplements, fitness, bodybuilding, health, and personal training. العنوان الاول للمعلومات الموضوعية الحديثة في مجال التغذية الرياضة والمكملات الغذائية والفتنس وكمال الاجسام والمنشطات المحرمة دوليا. لحجز متابعة أونلاين، أرجو التواصل عن طريق رقم الواتس اب التالي: For online programs, kindly send me a dm/pm on: +2-0111-777-13-11 Instagram @egyptianfitnesspage Twitter: @EgyFitnessPage Facebook: Egyptian Fitness Page #fitness #sportsnutrition #supplements #personaltraining #exercise #sports #bodybuilding #doping #steroids #sarms #wada
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you welcome in Ahmed Abdel Aziz YouTube Channel /With over 25 years of experience in Special Forces, Private Security Work, Close Protection, Self Defense Techniques, Street Fighting, and Mixed Martial Arts, Ahmed Abdel Aziz, Specialized in defense and counterattack.Help him develop and adapt knife techniques, improvised weapons, and pointless hand-to-hand combat for the average person so that the average person can defend himself against thieves and criminals around the world. The channel provides educational videos on different techniques and strategies for self-defense in potentially dangerous situations. These videos may cover topics such as basic self-defense moves, situational awareness, de-escalation tactics, and self-defense tools.The channel may also provide information about the legal considerations and possible consequences of using self-defense. In general, empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves and stay safe in a variety of situations
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NoSteroids: Natural Bodybuilding and Achieve Your Dream Body With Diet & Exercise I will help you reach your goal whether it is muscle mass, cutting, fat burning or weight loss. Bodybuilding is a sport that attracts many people. The goal of the channel is to help you get the body you want, build muscle and have physical fitness by using natural ways, I don't use steroids, stimulants, insulin, diuretics and human growth hormone. The owner of the channel is Mohammed Salah Shaalan - a pharmacist and certified trainer with long experience in the field of martial arts and bodybuilding. I have updated information about sports nutrition and supplements. I always do research, read new studies, books and articles. In addition to my own personal experience in the field of muscle building and weightlifting. I'm a certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist. For Online Personal Training:
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NASM/ISSA تهدف قناتنا الي شرح وترجمة مناهج ال ISSA certified fitness trainer - ISSA Bodybuilding coach qualified ISSA-Corrective-Exercise-Specialist qualified ISSA Specialist-in-Exercise-Therapy qualified ISSA-Youth-Fitness-Certification qualified ISSA Nutrition coach qualified ISSA sports Nutrition coach qualified ISSA strength and conditioning coach qualified ISSA online coach qualified شرح وترجمة المناهج الدولية باللغة العربية والانجليزية وكذلك فك لغز المصطلحات اللاتينية والطبية والبايوكيمست علي يد متخصصين في الرياضة والطب والكمياء الحيوية ومنشيء المحتوي وذلك للتسهيل علي الدارسين العرب والمصريين اطلب نسختك المترجمة الكاملة من خلال ارقامنا علي الواتساب 01060716990 / 01099819099 بيانات عن المدرب(مدير القناة) انا ك احمد مجاهد مدرب فيتنس وكمال اجسام واخصائي تغذية للرياضين معتمد دوليا من الرابطة الدولية لعلوم الرياضة بالولايات المتحدة الامريكية ومعتمد محليا من الاتحاد العربي لكمال الاجسام واللياقة ومقدم فقرات رياضية بالتليفزيون المصري
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WORKOUT is great team of professional fitness athletes and coaches. We have our own dedicated team of video editors/producer, Videographer/ filmmaker. WORKOUT is Worldwide Brand & Movement. All content on our channel have educational value. Workout and demonstration of training in bodybuilding, fitness, calisthenics, crossfit. We try to make the video interesting and informative. The video shows exercises and muscle work with a description. All our videos have musical accompaniment. We believe that learning with music becomes more interesting for people and not boring. The idea is to Motivate more people to start working on themselves... also to show them some interesting things in Fitness Industry These Days.
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Exercises for bodybuilding, fitness, complex exercises, complete body exercises, and the most important schedules for beginners and professionals to strengthen the chest muscles, blow out the biceps and triceps muscles, learn the strongest back muscle exercises, get a V-shape, and the strongest man exercises for muscle g, exercises for the whole body, home exercises for bodybuilding, muscle geeks, strongest home exercise, Home exercises to burn fat, home exercises for the muscles of the body, home exercises, the best table of bodybuilding exercises for beginners, table of bodybuilding exercises for beginners, table of bodybuilding exercises for beginners, table exercises for beginners in bodybuilding, table of bodybuilding exercises for beginners in the gym, bodybuilding for beginners , Bodybuilding, bodybuilding, bodybuilding exercises, exercises, table of bodybuilding exercises, table of bodybuilding exercises, table of bodybuilding exercises inflating for beginners, table exercises