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Examining weather manipulation and corresponding weather patterns on the Eastern Pacific ocean which engineered a California drought from 2010-2017. The analysis includes the use of satellite-based laser & microwave transmitters to: a) Generate on-demand high pressure to steer and manipulate moisture in the Jet Stream, b) Superheat and disrupt / destroy the centers of hurricanes and large thunderstorm cells, diminishing their strength & rain potential. Chemical aerosol 'chemtrails' sprayed by high-flying jets ahead of storm / weather fronts and over moisture fields cause a hot-air inversion layer, diminishing the precipitation process. Aerosol 'chemtrails' greatly lower the Relative Humidity and Dew point which diminish precipitation in the targeted region. Using a Barometer, Temperature, RH and Dew point instruments, you can observe the RH drop after the aerosols are sprayed. Watch the barometer RISE when storms approach CA - and the specific timing of the chemtrail spraying!
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Rebellion Research is a Machine Learning Think Tank and Registered Investment Advisor Hedge Fund powered by Artificial Intelligence. We use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to manage investments in a wide range of assets. We believe that Artificial Intelligence is the way of the future and asset management is not spared from this change. Our Machine Learning technology allows us to process an extremely diverse set of information using growth, value, momentum and global macro styles. The A.I. uses its performance predictions along with knowledge of the volatility and interrelationships among stocks to create a portfolio that balances risk and expected return. For more information on Rebellion, please visit
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This is the world's first artificial intelligence news ‘AI NEWS’. 'AI NEWS' is produced using AI Studios, an artificial intelligence video synthesis platform. AI Studios can synthesize video and audio simultaneously, just by inputting the prepared script. Please subscribe and like 'AI NEWS' We will be delivering the most up-to-date and accurate current events to you. DEEPBRAIN AI AI Studios This is the world's first artificial intelligence news ‘AI NEWS’. 'AI NEWS' is produced using AI Studios, an artificial intelligence video synthesis platform. AI Studios can synthesize video and audio simultaneously, just by inputting the prepared script. Please subscribe and like 'AI NEWS' We will be delivering the most up-to-date and accurate current events to you. DEEPBRAIN AI AI Studios