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أهلا بالجميع انا بودي... بحب الافلام و الالعاب المرعبة الهدف من القناة مشاركتكم بالحقائق لكل القصص, الافلام الغريبة, و الترندات المرعبة.. و اعطيكم رأيي عن المواضيع كلها... لا تنسوا تشتركوا بالقناة و تفعيل زر الجرس ليصلكم كل جديد الامارات 📍 Managed By: World of Business Email:
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Nancy Ajram is a multi-platinum Lebanese recording artist and multiple award winner for best-selling artist in the Middle East & Arab World, with numerous chart-topping smash hits such as “Ah W Noss”, “Ya Tabtab wa Dallaa”, “Enta Eih”, “Fi Hagat”, “Akhasmak Ah”, “Badna Nwallea El Jaw”, and "Aam Betaala' Feek". Nancy Ajram’s music revolutionized Arabic pop throughout a tremendously successful career spanning over two decades. Nancy is considered one of the Middle East’s largest pop icons, and her music has paved the way for Arabic music to be heard all over the globe. Nancy Ajram is the youngest Arab singer to win the World Music Award to date, and the first Arabic singing female artist to be featured on a Times Square billboard. She’s also the first Arab artist with the first Arabic language song to debut on the top ten of the US iTunes charts and the American Billboard Dance Charts, with her smash-hit collaboration with Marshmello “Sah Sah”.
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قناة التوأم اللبناني ماريا وكاتاليا الرسمية على اليوتيوب اشترك لتشاهد اللحظات اليومية للتوأم، كيف يتعلمون وكيف يتفاعلون مع إخوانهم محمد علي وعلي رضا وأختهم ملك العائلة مكونة من 5 أبناء، الأب والأم أجمل توأم في العالم العربي The Lebanese Twins Maria and Cataleya's official YouTube channel Subscribe to see the daily moments of the twins, how they learn and how they interact with their brothers and sister The family consists of 5 children, Daddy and Mommy The most beautiful twins in the Arab World!
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أهلا بكم إلى قناة مالك مكتبي الرسمية على يوتيوب آلاف القصص والتجارب تجتمع هنا. مواقف تلامس أعماق كل شخص، ومواقف لم نكن نعرف أنها تحدث في الحياة. بعد 15 سنة من تجربة تلفزيونية إستثنائية وملهمة، يطرح مالك قناته الخاصة لكي تتواصلوا معه، وتشاهدوا مقاطع أثرت بكم، فضلاً عن فيديوهات حصرية وتطوّرات لقضايا بقيت عالقة على الشاشة، وفيديوهات من خلف الكواليس. لمعرفة كل جديد، لا تنسوا الاشتراك في القناة لمشاهدة حلقات "أحمر بالخط العريض" كاملة، زوروا Welcome to Malek Maktabi's official Youtube channel! From the inspiring TV show of A7mar Bil Khat Al3areed comes a youtube channel full of compelling stories born from real issues faced by real people. Witness a bold new series from Malek Maktabi's executive producers as they take you on a journey of exploring exclusive episodes, emotional segments, controversial topics, and much more! Subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest videos from our lineup. Be sure to like, comment and share!
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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 12 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh, Cheb Mami and Saad Lamjarred. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.