YouTube statistics and analysis for @omidthemiracledog
OMID The Miracle Dog
You will see many things here related to paralyzed dog, "Omid". Omid means to have HOPE or to have FAITH. He's a paralyzed dog, rescued from the Middle East. Omid's life started out very rough, it's a miracle that he survived after being hit by a car in Iran, breaking his back. He was abandoned in the streets & survived for a couple of years on his own. Omid was badly abused & hurt by strangers in the streets, until one day a loving man found him, later took him to VAFA Animal Shelter. It was March 2012 Omid was brought to Washington, D.C. for a chance at a better life. Today he lives with his parents along with 4 other rescued dogs that are now his brothers & sisters. His parents are very devoted to him and in an effort to educate others about handicapped pets and the beauty of allowing them to live a fulfilled life (instead of putting them down) his parents have devoted this channel to anything & everything OMID related.