YouTube statistics and analysis for @coffeesamurai
The channel will open on "November 26, 2009".
★ "COFFEE SAMURAI" is a registered trademark.
Trademark registration number: No. 6429273
Former sword fighter coffee samurai
It is a world of coffee utensils with the theme of "Coffee is free!" ^^
We are enjoying "coffee life" with various coffee utensils!
Please register!
★ We will give you advice on "Home Cafe"!
Former sword fighting teacher and action actor,
From 2007, changed to a job of "import and wholesale of coffee tools"!
(Branding coffee affiliation)
Making full use of "various coffee utensils" that interest you in your work, it is delicious enough at home
We are sending a coffee life that brings you closer to the taste of the shop and the taste of professionals.