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Yoni Shakti Yoga
United Kingdom
Welcome to the Yoni Shakti Yoga YouTube channel!
The videos on this channel are warmly shared with you with the intention to nourish and support the deep source of feminine energy and power and to honour the cycles and seasons of women’s lives. Here you will find free videos including:
- Yoga practices for women and girls, incorporating Womb Yoga practices developed by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli;
- Practices from, and talks about, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli’s book, Yoni Shakti - A Woman’s Guide to Power and Freedom through Yoga and Tantra;
- Talks discussing the benefits of Womb Yoga for women and girls, women’s health and wellbeing, menstrual cycle wisdom and awareness;
- Testimonials about the power of Womb Yoga and yoga trainings delivered by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli.
To find out more about Yoni Shakti and Womb Yoga including upcoming trainings and events, please visit the Yoni Shakti website: