YouTube statistics and analysis for @TravelWithTorin
Travel With Torin
New Zealand
We are a family of 3 who loves to travel. We are always documenting our travels, and this year we have decided to start vlogging them properly, both for ourselves, our family and friends, and all of you!
In a few years we plan to take a year off of work, school, and life as we know it, and Travel With Torin around the world, to every possible place we reasonably can, to surround ourselves, particularly to surround Torin at a transitional age in his life, with experiences, cultures, people, and environments that will enrich, engage, and enhance his growth as a young man into his adult years.
As parents, we believe travel has been the most transformative influence in our lives, and we want Torin to learn that as early as possible so he can carry that growth and education forward with him into his adult life as well.
This channel will serve as a platform to witness what this year away will look like, and onward serve to document Torin's transition into a traveller of his own.