YouTube statistics and analysis for @RejwanBinSulaiman
United Kingdom
In this channel, we will be talking about the tech industry as a whole. what is the most demandable tech skill, how would you grab that tech skill, what are the source you should follow to get the best outcome. If this sounds interesting to you, then stay tuned with us.
I am Rizwan. A full-time PhD research student at the University of Bedfordshire. My research interest is Artificial intelligence, machine Learning and Cyber security. So, I will be making content about how you can be an expert in Artificial intelligence, What are the path you can take to be a Data Scientist, what are the skills needed to be an Ethical Hacker, what are the additional skillset you should grab. However, I am also a cloud enthusiast. I am a certified AWS solution architect associate.
I will be sharing my expertise with you in this channel which might benefit you to choose your career path and extend your knowledge