Este canal esta concebido para transmitir a traves del sonido y la musica sagrada la belleza y el amor que brilla en cada uno, reconociendonos como esa fuente infinita de creativiad y conciencia...
This channel is designed to transmit through sound and sacred music, all the beauty and love that shines on everyone, recognizing us that, this infinite source of creativiad and awareness that we really are...
relaxation music, music for stuying, music for learning, background music, music for meditation, music to relax, instrumental music, minecraft music, study music, music for homework, yoga music, spiritual music, ambient music, relaxdaily, chillout, slow music, piano music, soothing music, new age music, peaceful music, beautiful music, anti-stress music, sleep music, entspannungsmusik, musica relax, relaxing music, musica rilassante, spiritualismo, zen music, massage music, spa music, enya, soundtrack, soft music, slow music, musica anti-stress, ea games, healing music.