Public Voice Television is a media channel, established in April 2021 to raise the voice of people towards achieving Myanmar’s democracy. The media response to the needs of the Spring Revolution as a function to support the interim national unity government. It is based on the Union aspirations and values set out in Chapter 4, Part 1 of the Federal Democracy Treaty: Freedom; Justice; Federal Democracy based on equality and peace.
To fulfill the people's being infringed “Right to Know”, in collaboration with citizen journalists and media which are making efforts in this area.
To promote art, education and awareness which helped to gain vital morale and intellectual strength for the success of the Spring Revolution and the end of the military dictatorship.
To inform the work and activities of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Representative Committee (CRPH); Interim National Unity Government (NUG); the National Unity Advisory Council (NUCC) and to support their engagement with the public