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Hatha Yoga Taipei
HathaYogaTaipei 不僅是瑜珈動作分解,健身教學的影片頻道,也是位於台灣的瑜珈教室,特別致力於Ghosh lineage的熱瑜珈系統(26個動作+2個呼吸式)。
在HathaYogaTaipei,藉由運動、伸展身體可以拓展心靈層面的認知以及成長,因爲身、心、靈是ㄧ體三面,互相影響;身體健康,心情就開朗!ㄧ個健康快樂的人才能回饋自我,才能讓身旁親友感覺自己正面的能量,成為人群中好的影響力!不論你是瑜珈愛好者,或者健身迷,甚至沒有運動習慣的人,都會在Hatha Yoga Taipei的頻道學到ㄧ些對身體有好處的瑜珈以及鍛練運動;柔軟度好不好、體力強不強、時間夠不夠,都不是問題,沒經驗沒作過不足成為裹足不前的藉口,請跟著Antonieㄧ起動ㄧ動吧,因爲你知道瑜珈是可以讓你更健康、更快樂!
Antonie是Hatha Yoga Taipei 的瑜珈老師,「26+2熱瑜珈」的作者
Hatha Yoga Taipei not only is a yoga and fitness channel, it is a yoga studio, located in Taiwan. Dedicating itself to promote Yoga lifestyle. And the class style is specializing on Gosh lineage yoga series(26poses+2breathing exercises).
No matter you are a yoga lover, a fitness nut or a person who never yogaed before, body language is a universal language. Follow along with Hatha Yoga Taipei videos! Your body will thank you for working and stretching out a bit.
Antonie co-founded HathaYogaTaipei. She is a yoga teacher, author of "26+2熱瑜珈.