YouTube statistics and analysis for @AutoMaxRecruiting
AutoMax Recruiting
Puerto Rico
#Automotiverecruitment,salespeople,internet salespeople,BDC,auto sales managers,Service advisers.
AutoMax Recruiting and Training #AutoMaxrecruiting is in fact a collection of talented, passionate car people, that work in a synergistic manner to provide car dealerships in the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico with "committed, well trained salespeople, with no bad habits." #Autohires
AutoMax assists all car dealerships large and small, urban or rural, franchised dealers and independents, with the right people to hire. We recruit, screen, interview and train floor salespeople, internet salespeople, BDC personnel, service advisers, managers, and every other position at the dealership.
AutoMax Recruiting and Training has conducted nearly 14,000 of these hiring and training campaigns and trained over 135,000 people!