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Agencja Studio-W produkuje filmy reklamowe, promocyjne, wizerunkowe. Organizujemy akcje eventowe. Prowadzimy działalność Public Relations oraz marketingową. Studio-W wyprodukowało także kilkadziesiąt reportaży na anteny TVP, TVN oraz Discovery.
Good promotion is an art. It combines creativity with an effective outcome at a reasonable price. Studio W has an impressive experience in creating promotional products such as TV advertising spots, promotional films, brochures, commercials, ads, flyers and billboard ads. We cooperate with the finest specialists in the field: cameramen, editors, graphic designers, layout editors and producers. Our promotional products have been known for their effectiveness, reliability and professionalism. We accommodate the needs of our clients, cooperating well with both major companies and the most demanding individual clients. We are flexible and always stick to budget.