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Bio MARIA CAROLINA ALBAN 🎶 Bachelor of Music, singer, composer of Spiritual Music 💞 Counselor of Emotional Natural Health 🎼 Music Therapist 🦋 Coach of Spiritual Life Creator of MUSICA PURPOSE, Medicine for the Soul. A program that aims to help you heal the soul of emotional fractures, hurts of the past and free yourself from those chains that do not let you BE HAPPY; using Music with spiritual sense, sacred to get to touch the strings of your soul and help you to Heal, Liberate and Rebirth in YOUR LIFE PROJECT in an Integral MCA. It is a program of INTEGRAL TRANSFORMATION MIND. BODY AND SOUL. With María Carolina Albán. 🌅
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Matrixxer Global in 🇺🇸 English & 🇪🇸 Espanol Unseren deutschen Kanal findest Du hier: 🇺🇸 What makes our content presented on YouTube unique is that we report exclusively from first-hand experience. We have experienced and witnessed everything ourselves and share our own experiences. 🇪🇸 Lo que hace que nuestro contenido presentado en YouTube sea único es que informamos exclusivamente desde la experiencia de primera mano. Lo hemos vivido y presenciado todo nosotros mismos y compartimos nuestras propias experiencias. 🇺🇸 🇪🇸 Topics / Temas 🇺🇸 Matrix: Prison Planet Earth 🇪🇸 Matrix: Prisión Planeta Tierra 🇺🇸 Astral travel & lucid dreaming 🇪🇸 Viaje astral y sueño lúcido 🇺🇸 Activation of the pineal gland 🇪🇸 Activación de la glándula pineal 🇺🇸 Expansion of consciousness 🇪🇸 Expansión de la conciencia 🇺🇸 Spiritual dissociation 🇪🇸 Disociación espiritual 🇺🇸 Borderline sciences 🇪🇸 Ciencias fronterizas 🇺🇸 UFOs & Aliens 🇪🇸 Ovnis y extraterrestres
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Welcome to Victiana’s Spiritual Tarot, I Offer spiritual support with the gift of spiritual vision and sensitivity to energy, I am a worker of light, psychic medium, healer, empathic. If I connect with you through the stories I receive through the strength of the Universe and Light Beings, I can surely help you find solutions and answers to your problems. Click on Like, comment, share, subscribe and touch the notification bell to get updates about new videos. These are free general love readings. For personal readings: contact me by email; . I have another channel on Youtube is: E&M SPIRITUAL LOVE and is in spanish language Link: Donations at:
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Unify stewards and facilitates global collective intention, action, & impact to help build a world where all of humanity is unified. UNIFYing the emerging Spiritual Renaissance ☀ UNIFYer la Renaissance Spirituelle émergent ☀ UNIFYcar de la Renaissance Espiritual emergente
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Welcome to Spiritual Alchemy, our channel dedicated to exploring spirituality and helping individuals find their connection to God, regardless of the path they choose to take. Our goal is to help you uncover your own spiritual path and help you on your path towards spiritual transformation. Spirituality is a deeply personal and individual experience, and we aim to provide resources and support for everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs. Spiritual growth is an ongoing process, and we strive to create a community that can support and uplift one another. We encourage you to share your own experiences, insights, and questions with us, as we believe that learning from each other is one of the most valuable parts of any spiritual journey. Whether you are new to spirituality or have been on the path for many years, we welcome you to our community. Our hope is that our channel will serve as a source of inspiration, guidance, and support as you continue on your spiritual path.
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Welcome! Bienvenidos!☯️🙏💖 Este canal se enfoca en el Crecimiento Espiritual/ This channel focuses in Spiritual Growth. ✨This is NOT intended for children. Disclaimer in accordance with the law in several countries we must point out that all tarot readings given here are for entertainment and spiritual healing only, and not guaranteed or to replace medical help. Enjoy! Kc's Witches Academy💖🙏☯️ ✨Este canal NO está destinado a niños. Descargo de responsabilidad de acuerdo con la ley en varios países, debemos señalar que todas las lecturas de tarot que se dan aquí son solo para entretenimiento y curación espiritual, y no están garantizadas o reemplazan la ayuda médica. Amor y Luz- Kc's Witches Academy 💖🙏☯️
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Tarot - Lenormand - Oracles I am a medium & psychic; tarot, lenormand & oracle reader; crystal & reiki healer; kabbalistic numerologist; spiritual coach & holistic therapist. My mission is to help you achieve your life goals & spiritual path. For private readings, please send an email to Thank you. Much Love & Blessings! "Optchá"