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The traditional Swiss company Netstal stands internationally for leading high-performance injection molding machines and system solutions. The product portfolio includes Elios and Elion injection molding machines with clamping forces between 800 and 10,000 kN, PET-Line preform systems for up to 144 cavities, and application-specific turnkey system solutions from a single source. In the field of injection molding machines, Netstal is the technology leader with high-performance machines that stand out in the market due to their maximum speed, perfect precision and maximum reliability. Strategic application fields are in the packaging and beverage industry as well as in medical technology. With profound know-how, Netstal supports its customers with further increases in efficiency and actively drives development in the areas of digitalization and circular economy. With regional offices and independent representatives, Netstal has a global presence.
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VIETATO L’INGRESSO AGLI UMANI – DAI VOCE A CHI NON CE L’HA… DIVENTA CIÓ CHE AMI!! La nostra missione è quella di dare voce a chi non ce l’ha. Appassionante e divertente, un esperienza che attraverso un concetto di “second life”, regala all’utente un avatar privilegiato; il proprio amato pet. Qui imparerai meglio a conoscere i tuoi animali domestici .. registrami gratuitamente su FbSocialPet dai voce a chi non ce l’ha e diventa ciò che ami! Vietato l’ingresso agli Umani.
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Heiniger AG is a world’s leading manufacturer of animal shearing equipment. In the heart of Switzerland, the company develops and manufactures high-quality clippers and shearing blades for sheep, cattle, camelidae, horses, goats and dogs.
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4pets – Hundeboxen: Die beste Hundebox fürs Auto: Lerne das Original kennen! Hochwertig verarbeitete Materialien (Hundebox Alu) und immer Crash bzw. TÜV getestet – und Test bestanden. Unsere 4pets Hundebox eignet sich für den Kofferraum. Nutzen unseren Online-Konfigurator und finde die passende Hundebox für dein Auto bzw. Kofferraum. Sicher findest auch du das für dich passende Modell. Unsere Hundeboxen überzeugen durch Design, Funktionalität und Sicherheit, dank hochwertiger Verarbeitung. Hundeboxen von 4pets: Das schweizer Original als Hundebox im Auto. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4pets - dog boxes: The best dog box for the car: Get to know the original! High quality processed materials (dog box aluminum) and always crash or TÜV tested - and test passed. Our 4pets dog box is suitable for the trunk. Use our online configurator and find the right dog box for your car or trunk. Surely you will find the right model for you.