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Looking to create a beautiful garden? Better, a garden that brings you joy? You want beautiful flowers, cut them down, maintain them, share them, exchange them among friends? Hello and welcome, my name is Rodolphe the creator of the site On my chain you will learn free how to create a beautiful garden, beautiful massif, maintain them ..... If you are beginner, amateur or a passionate, use my ultra-concrete tutorials to propel your garden and achieve ambitious goals. Join me so I can show you how by working you can trade, sales on plant fairs but also share your experience with other gardeners. Then subscribe free to my channel and share it with your friends, your loved ones and the whole world.
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Bienvenue sur la chaine IMFG by Roué Pépinières. La French Touch du jardin! Sur cette chaine, grâce à nos experts fans de jardin comme vous, on répond à toutes vos questions, on vous fait découvrir de nouvelles variétés d'arbustes, de plantes vivaces, on parle de nos coups de coeur... Quels sont les meilleurs arbustes de jardin? Comment tailler son Camélia? Comment végétaliser, aménager un balcon de 2m2? Quelles plantes pour une terrasse exposée plein soleil? ... et encore plein d'autres questions auxquelles on tente de répondre sur cette chaine. Si vous souhaitez tout savoir sur les nouvelles tendances du jardin abonnez-vous! Bonnes visites!
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Garden Inspired Living is the ultimate garden resource library on youtube. The channel formerly known as Jackson & Perkins now comprised of content from Jackson & Perkins, Wayside Gardens, and Park Seed. The three garden brands offer all types of plants, roses, garden gifts, tools, accessories, and information. With the power of Youtube we are able to take our collective knowledge and produce short videos that can be easily digested and help you be more successful with your garden, regardless if it is well established, just beginning, or a container and patio garden. We're here to help. If you have any questions related to gardening, let us know by commenting on our videos and we'll try to add them to our production schedule to give you an answer.
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Videos from Drawing on over forty years of work with young people in gardens, Life Lab, is a national leader in the garden-based learning movement. Through workshops and consultations, we have provided tens of thousands of educators across the country with the inspiration and information necessary to engage young people in gardens and on farms. Our workshops and award-winning publications are the go-to resource for educators and families interested in engaging young people in gardens. At the Life Lab Garden Classroom educational center in Santa Cruz and the Blooming Classroom garden in Watsonville, we promote experiential learning for people of all ages through field trips, children's camps, and teacher workshops. To learn more about Life Lab, please visit our website
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The Horti-Culturalists is a channel dedicated to growing unusual and rare plants, trees and shrubs in an outdoor garden setting, visits to interesting rare and unusual plant gardens and 'how to' lessons on various gardening techniques that are a little more advanced! Stephen Ryan is a horticulturalist, owner of Dicksonia Rare Plants nursery , a garden consultant and former host of the TV program Gardening Australia. Matthew Lucas is an amateur who knows nothing but tries to keep up! Together they create videos based in Stephen's Macedon garden in Victoria, Australia, where the climate is cool Mediterranean: cold wet winters and warm/hot dry summers occasional light frosts and wild parrots! They also visit other interesting gardens and specialist growers. Videos are posted once a week and please leave a question or tell the Horti-Culturalists what you might want them to cover!
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La chaîne est majoritairement consacrée à la faune de mon jardin situé en Picardie dans la vallée de l'Oise et à la faune visible dans la baie de Somme La vie sauvage foisonne dans les jardins pour qui sait l'observer . En les attirant avec des mangeoires l'hiver , des nichoirs, des haies mixtes et un bassin , j'ai pour l'instant réussi à photographier 37 espèces d'oiseaux dans mon jardin . The channel is currently mainly devoted to wildlife in my garden located in the Picardie Oise valley in France and the fauna visible in the Bay of Somme / birdwatching park Marquenterre Wildlife abounds in gardens for those who can observe it. Attracting them with feeders in winter, nest boxes, mixed hedges and a pool , i have yet managed to photograph 37 species of birds in my garden.
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@Jardin des Petites Ruches, In 2010, Céline and Alain created a garden in the Yonne region (89), managed using permaculture. It is home to biodiversity hives = pollination hives. All year round, the garden welcomes trainees wishing to learn about bees and refuge hives, wild basketry, geobiology, wool spinning, plant dyeing, mowing with a scythe, as well as wild plants and their various uses. The garden is located in Yonne (89), in Burgundy, at the entrance to the Puisaye region. 150 km south of Paris, and 30 km from Guédelon.