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Somos tres chicos: un piloto profesional, un ingeniero y un aficionado a los coches. Hacemos videos divertidos sobre automóviles: proyectos locos e inusuales de la más ambiciosa ingeniería o simplemente cómo hacer un Subaru lo más veloz posible.
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Car reviews, car shows, tips, maintenance and funny car videos. Once upon a time, back in late 2012, two brothers and their Dad were chatting about cars. One of the brothers said “hey, we should make some kind of web thingy where people can watch us doing things with cars and stuff”. The others agreed and Auto Animals was born. Fast-forward to today, and along with their other brother, Auto Animals has become a one-stop-shop for all things automotive…well, to the extent that if you like to see grown men getting giddy over car stuff then this is for you!
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